Treatment satisfaction is the key for treatment adherence, to improve long-term outcomes and avoid diabetes complications. However, there is limited data on treatment satisfaction in people with T2D who switch to Gla-300 from other BI in regions outside US and Europe. The current analysis of the 26-week ARTEMIS-DM study presents patient perspective on treatment satisfaction using the Insulin Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (ITSQ) , in people with T2D, from Asia, Middle East Africa (MEA) and Latin America (LaTAm) , uncontrolled on BI and who switched to Gla-300. A total of 362/372 (97.3%) participants completed the study. Mean ± SD ITSQ total score increased from baseline 76.30 ± 15.63 to 83.51 ± 13.29 and 84.42 ± 13.15 at Weeks 12 and 26, respectively. Improvements were noted for all ITSQ domain scores, especially glycemic control (baseline: 65.83; mean change from baseline to Week 12: 15.12 and Week 26: 16.06) (Table) . Despite similar mean baseline scores ( 79.31) , LS mean change in ITSQ total score was numerically greater in LaTAm (10.86) and MEA (10.40) compared with Asia (1.56) at Week 26. In ARTEMIS-DM study, in people with T2D uncontrolled on BI, switching to Gla-300 demonstrated improvement in treatment satisfaction and specifically in glycemic control in a diverse population from multiple geographic regions.


K.Alrubeaan: Research Support; Sanofi. E.G.Wilmot: Advisory Panel; Abbott Diabetes, Dexcom, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Insulet Corporation, Medtronic, Sanofi, Research Support; Insulet Corporation, Novo Nordisk, Speaker's Bureau; Abbott Diabetes, Dexcom, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Insulet Corporation, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi. A.Roborel de climens: Employee; IQVIA Inc., Sanofi. M.N.Mabunay: Employee; Sanofi. V.Pilorget: None. B.Berthou: None. G.Frechtel: None. B.Sethi: None.



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