In patients (pts) with diabetes mellitus (DM) , Covid-pneumonia mortality rate >20% has been reported. A low fixed dose of intravenous dexamethasone (Dx) for days (RECOVERY study, 6 mg/d, i.e 0.5 mg/kg/d prednisone equivalent) has been shown to effectively reduce Covid-pneumonia mortality. In an observational study, prognosis was improved with an oral combination of prednisone fixed dose (1mg/kg/d) , direct anticoagulant/aspirin/colchicine/furosemide (DOAACF) . We hypothesized prednisone tailored doses driven by clinical evolution (extra 1mg/kg/d for every increase of O2 flow) added-on DOAACF for days would decrease morbi-mortality. In our monocentric, retrospective study (03.2020-05.2021) , pts with Covid-pneumonia requiring O2 out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) were included. According to the Physicians discretionary caring decisions, a control group (no corticoid) , a Dx group, an oral tailored prednisone ≥1mg/kg/d-DOAACF group were compared. The primary endpoint was Day 28 ICU requirement or mortality. Out of 3pts included for hypoxemic Covid-pneumonia, 132 pts had DM (43%) (control n = 28; Dx n = 46; tailored prednisone-DOAACF n = 58) : median age 69y; Males/Females 2.8; BMI 28 kg/m2; cardiovascular history 40%; median SpO2 at room air 92%; median maximal O2 flow 4L/min. Pts characteristics were non statistically different. Prednisone median dose (1.5mg/kg/d) and aspirin-colchicine-furosemide use were significantly higher in the tailored prednisone-DOAACF group in which events rate (12%) was significantly lower (control 50%, p = 0.0003, Dx 37%, p = 0.004) . In the tailored group, no statistical difference observed with pts without DM (13.3%, p = 1) . Out of the ICU, in pts with DM, a five oral drugs combination made of tailored prednisone ≥1mg/kg/d, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotics, diuretic improves hypoxemic Covid-pneumonia prognosis. A randomized trial is needed.


J.Kevorkian: None. B.Mégarbane: None. F.Féron: None. J.Riveline: None. F.Mauvais-jarvis: Consultant; Mithra Pharmaceutical. J.Gautier: Other Relationship; Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Speaker's Bureau; Eli Lilly and Company.

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