A third of people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) will develop chronic kidney disease (CKD) , the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) . Current standard of care tests (urinary albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR) , estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)) have limited ability to predict CKD progression. PromarkerD is a novel blood test that has prognostic value for the onset/progression of early-stage renal function decline in T2D. The ability of PromarkerD to predict later-stage renal decline in participants in the CANVAS trial was explored.

Concentrations of PromarkerD biomarkers (CD5L, ApoA4, IGFBP3) were measured by mass spectrometry at baseline in 3,525 CANVAS participants (n=1,179 placebo arm, n=2,346 canagliflozin arm) and combined with clinical data (age, serum HDL-cholesterol, eGFR) to provide PromarkerD scores (0 to 100%) for adverse renal outcomes. Cox regression was used to assess the ability of PromarkerD to predict three composites: i) ≥40% eGFR decline, ESRD, or renal death ii) outcome 1 or cardiovascular disease death and iii) outcome 2 or progression to macroalbuminuria.

At baseline, the participants (mean age 62.7 years, 67% males, median diabetes duration 12.5 years) had mean eGFR 77 mL/min/1.73m2, median ACR 11.6 mg/g and mean PromarkerD score 34.5%. During a mean 5.6 years of follow-up, 138 (3.9%) , 380 (10.8%) and 427 (12.1%) participants experienced composite outcomes 1 to 3, respectively. After adjusting for allocated treatment, each 10% increase in PromarkerD score was significantly associated with higher rates of adverse outcomes (outcome 1: HR 1.22 [1.to 1.38], outcome 2: HR 1.28 [1.to 1.37], outcome 3: HR 1.13 [1.to 1.21], all P≤0.001) with only modest attenuation after adjustment for both eGFR and ACR (all P≤0.013) .

This post-hoc analysis of CANVAS data shows that PromarkerD can be used to predict late as well as early-stage renal decline in people with T2D.


K.E.Peters: None. P.Di prinzio: None. S.Bringans: None. W.A.Davis: None. T.Davis: Advisory Panel; Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., Novo Nordisk, Roche Diagnostics, Research Support; Novo Nordisk, Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk. R.J.Lipscombe: Employee; Proteomics International, Stock/Shareholder; Proteomics International. M.K.Hansen: Employee; Janssen Research & Development, LLC.

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