Objectives: T2D medications often require dose escalation to optimize effectiveness. Physician perceptions of treatment characteristics of type 2 diabetes (T2D) medications have previously been examined, but little is known about perceptions of escalation to the optimal dose. This study examined physicians’ perceptions of dose escalation for medications used to treat T2D.

Methods: Data on dose escalation and other factors influencing decision-making for T2D treatment were collected via an online survey of US physicians in 2022.

Results: The sample included 501 physicians (348 primary care, 153 endocrinologists). Dose escalation was not frequently considered a primary factor keeping patients’ from reaching treatment goals (mentioned as a factor by only 7.6% of the sample) or a barrier to prescribing T2D medication (16.2%). Factors more likely to keep patients from reaching treatment goals included unhealthy diet (86.6%) and medication adherence (77.4%). The most common reasons that physicians reported for escalating dose levels with their patients are presented in Table 1.

Conclusions: Although common with T2D treatments, dose escalation was not perceived to be a significant barrier to prescribing medication or attainment of treatment goals. Multiple factors contribute to the decision to escalate a dose.


K.Boye: Employee; Eli Lilly and Company. J.Jordan: None. R.Malik: Employee; Eli Lilly and Company. R.A.Cyr: None. L.S.Matza: Research Support; Eli Lilly and Company.


Eli Lilly and Company

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