Background: Lifestyle intervention in achieving Type 2 diabetes (T2D) remission is gaining increasing significance. We aimed to identify predictors of diabetes remission after a one-year lifestyle intervention program in the Indian population.

Materials and methods: The current study enrolled 4948 patients with diagnosed T2D (>18 years) who underwent a lifestyle modification program at Freedom from Diabetes clinic between April & December 2021. The intervention included a customized vegan diet, exercise, stress management support, along with conventional medical management. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were monitored with scheduled consultations every 3 months. Post-intervention remission was defined as HbA1c<48mmol/mol for a minimum of 3 months in the absence of pharmacotherapy. The primary outcome measure was predictors of diabetes remission based on regression analysis.

Results: Post-intervention, data on 2764 patients were available for analysis where 837 (30.2%) achieved remission. Remission was significantly associated with intermittent fasting (during intervention), initial medication status (OHA, external insulin, both or never started medicines), age at onset, absolute change in HbA1c & body weight, HOMA-IR (post-intervention), and duration of diabetes.

Conclusion: T2D remission can be achieved in nearly one-third of the patients through lifestyle intervention. Few baseline (age at onset, duration of diabetes, medication status) and few post-intervention parameters (decrease in weight and HbA1c, HOMA-IR) are independently associated with predicting T2D remission in this Indian population.


P.Tripathi: Board Member; Freedom from Diabetes Clinic. N.S.Kadam: Research Support; Freedom from Diabetes Clinic. A.R.Vyawahare: Research Support; Freedom From Diabetes. B.Sharma: Research Support; Freedom From Diabetes clinic. M.H.Ganla: Employee; Freedom from Diabetes Clinic. M.Das biswas: Employee; Freedom from Diabetes Clinic. B.D.Saboo: None.

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