The transplantation of the pancreas is recommended in diabetes with complications. The combination of cell biology and 3D-bioprinting can create organs with vasculature which should be functional. There are issues to be solved: leakage, thrombosis, enhancement against high pressure, connecting organ to the recipient. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate 3D-bioprinting of bionic organs with use of dECM-derived biomaterials with stable flow through the organ in vitro and in large animal studies.

Materials and methods: Mathematical analysis in the designed bionic pancreas was performed. The bionic pancreas was 3D bioprinted with 2 types of bioinks. The first tests were carried out in a bioreactor then organs were subjected to magnetic resonance and X-ray with contrast. Pressure endurance tests were performed. 14 pigs received 3D-bioprinted bionic pancreas transplantation. DCL-VESS-Group (n=5) received decellularized vessels as anastomosis. 9 pigs received bionic pancreas with vascular prosthesis as anastomosis - Prosthesis-Group. Pigs were observed up to 14 days. Hist-pat analysis of removed pancreas was performed.

Results: The tests carried out in the bioreactor showed the stability of the bionic organ and vascular system in MRI and X-ray examination for 5 days. No leaks beyond the bionic pancreas were observed up to 400 mmHg. In all 14 cases of transplantation there was stable flow throughout the organ after release of vascular clamp. DCL-VESS-Group - In all cases vascular cloth was observed. Prosthesis-Group - In 5 cases there were no complications influencing blood flow through the organ. 4 died to postoperative complications. Stable flow within a transplanted bionic organ was observed till 2 weeks post - surgery within ultrasound examination and radiology intervention. Histopatological showed the presence of CD31 / PECAM-1 (new blood formation).

Conclusion: It is feasible to 3Dbioprint and transplant bionic organ in big animal model.


M.Wszola: Board Member; Polbionica Ltd., Stock/Shareholder; Polbionica Ltd.. K.I.Roszkowicz-ostrowska: None. L.Kownacki: None. J.Wolinski: None. A.Dobrzyn: None. A.Kaminski: None. A.Berman: Board Member; Polbionica Ltd., Stock/Shareholder; Polbionica Ltd. M.Klak: Employee; Polbionica Sp. z o.o., Stock/Shareholder; Polbionica Sp. z o.o. T.Dobrzanski: Employee; Polbionica. O.Janowska: Employee; POLBIONICA Sp. z o.o. S.Domanski: Employee; Polbionica. D.Piatek: None. J.Wejman: None. D.Szkopek: None.

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