Classics in Diabetes is a new article series in Diabetes journal that highlights and revisits previously published research articles that have had a significant impact on the field of diabetes research. Each featured article is chosen for its historical importance and its substantial influence on current research trends. An in-depth analysis puts the research into context, explaining how the information was pivotal at the time of publication and how it aligns with subsequent developments in the field. To read the most recent Classics in Diabetes article, please visit

This collection provides an abridged version of the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) Standards of Care in Diabetes—2024 designed especially for primary care providers. Developed by the ADA’s Primary Care Advisory Group, this resource contains the evidence-based clinical practice recommendations most pertinent to primary care. Access the collection at

ADA’s professional books library has extended to over 30 books for a more complete research discovery experience. New titles published in 2024 include the seventh edition of Medical Management of Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes, Clinical Care of the Diabetic Foot, and more. Browse or search today by visiting the professional books website at Purchase complete softcopy editions at

Featured in Diabetes, the Point-Counterpoint series is designed to present differing perspectives on a specific topic within the field of diabetes research. Each contributor presents their “point,” which is then followed by a “counterpoint,” or contrasting perspective. The goal of this series is to foster academic debate, encourage critical thinking, and illuminate the complexities of issues in diabetes research. To read the latest Point-Counterpoint series, please visit and

The editors of ADA journals periodically publish special collections, which are curated segments dedicated to a specific, often timely, area of interest within the realm of diabetes research, care, and education. Collections include Diabetes Paper of the Month (, Reports from the GRADE Study (, and more (

In a special seven-episode series of Diabetes Core Update, the ADA podcast for primary care clinicians, and Diabetes Day by Day, the ADA podcast for people with diabetes and their caregivers, Drs. Sara Wettergreen and Neil Skolnik meet with the foremost experts in the world on obesity research, medicine, and treatment to discuss a wide array of topics related to the effective management of overweight and obesity. This series is a collaborative effort of the ADA and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Access the podcast at

If diabetes has had an impact on your life, whether you have diabetes or care for someone who has diabetes, please consider submitting your original artwork for publication on the cover of an issue of Diabetes Care. Artwork submission and selection are completely independent from manuscript submission and the peer review process—artwork is not required to be related to an article submitted to or published in the journal. Diabetes Care will consider images of artwork of any subject or medium. For more information, please visit

Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. More information is available at