Objective: To compare clinical recommendations on type 1 diabetes management based on the ADA’s Standards of Medical Care - 2022 generated by two generative artificial intelligent (AI) platforms for internal consistency (vertically within a platform) and external consensus (horizontally between platforms and with clinicians’ clinical decisions).

Methods: A complex clinical case with type 1 diabetes was selected; the patient has a history of severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Before entering the case into each AI platform for analysis, the clinical note - chief complaint, subjective, and objective information - was edited and organized to enhance clarity and to standardize the language. The case was analyzed by two AI platforms three times; all AI responses were reviewed and compared to the clinician’s assessment and plan, thus taking a qualitative data analysis approach.


Conclusions: Although this initial step only included one case, both AI platforms could generate clinical recommendations with high internal consistency, especially in the effectiveness measures. For external consensus on the safety measures, ChatGPT emphasized the specific safety recommendations that aligned closer with the standards of care. Further analyses are warranted to include more cases, ensuring this approach can potentially augment clinician’s care practices in type 1 diabetes.


C.F. Young: Other Relationship; Abbott. S. Wong: None.

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