Introduction & Objective: A longitudinal analysis was performed to evaluate a systems-based Quality Improvement Educational intervention (QIEi), designed to enhance disease management of T2D patients with/or at risk of CVD/CKD. This analysis aimed to assess if the QIEi increased SGLT-2i/GLP-1RA prescriptions for eligible patients.

Methods: The QIEi was deployed at 2 primary care sites from a USA integrated delivery system (IDS) and included baseline EHR data review to inform gaps; webinars on best practices; case-based group discussions; and team-designed process improvements and enhanced communication strategies. To assess impact, along with a practice assessment quantitative questionnaire, qualitative interviews and post-webinar quantitative assessments, EHR data were pulled and analyzed from the 2 implementation sites and IDS remaining sites at baseline and 6, 12, and 18 months.

Results: No clinically significant differences in prescription of SGLT-2i/GLP-1RA were observed post-intervention for T2D patients with/or at risk of CVD/CKD, and no differences observed between implementation and non-implementation sites (Table 1).

Conclusion: Persistent challenges in translating education into practice among HCPs needs to be identified and addressed to improve the quality of disease management for T2D patients with/or at risk of CVD/CKD.


V. Makin: Speaker's Bureau; Bayer Inc. P. Rao: None. S. Murray: None. B. Dennis Frampton: None. P. Lazure: None. S. Kawczak: None. K.M. Pantalone: Speaker's Bureau; AstraZeneca. Consultant; AstraZeneca. Board Member; Bayer Inc. Research Support; Bayer Inc. Speaker's Bureau; Corcept Therapeutics. Consultant; Corcept Therapeutics, Diasome, Eli Lilly and Company, Merck & Co., Inc. Speaker's Bureau; Merck & Co., Inc. Research Support; Merck & Co., Inc. Consultant; Novo Nordisk. Research Support; Novo Nordisk. Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk. Research Support; Twin Health. Consultant; Sanofi.


Eli Lilly and Company; Merck

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