Despite increased mortality and morbidity in hospitalized patients with poor glycemic control, therapeutic inertia (TI) exists among them. Best Practice Advisories (BPA) for hospitalized patients with hyperglycemia (BG > 250) or hypoglycemia (BG < 70) were implemented in 2022 in our institution to alert providers and prompt them to act accordingly. In this pilot study, we aim to find out if BPA implementation had an impact on TI and glycemic control. The study involved a non-random sample of patients with diabetes (Inclusion criteria in demographic table) admitted during June 2021 (n = 390) and June 2023 (n=470). Data analysis was performed using SPSS 25. Results showed TI (both rates of intensification and de-intensification) reduced after BPA implementation. And hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia rates also improved.


N. Aung: None. M.E. Lape: None. K. Win: None. H.E. Khine: None. L. Duenas: None. N. Aye: None. A.D. D'Accurzio: None.

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