Introduction/Objectives: Youth-onset type 2 diabetes (YT2D) may increase risk for cardiac disease (CVD), but the relative risk for fatal/non-fatal CVD is unknown. The International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort (i3C) risk score was designed to predict 35-year CVD risk in healthy youth and young adults (YYA). We compared i3C risk score and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP, an independent CVD marker in adults) in YYA with YT2D with healthy lean (HL) and overweight/obese (OWOB) peers.

Methods: In a pooled cohort analysis of 1482 YYA [1320 YYA<18y (14.7±1.5, mean±SD) and 139 18y≤YYA≤25y (21.0±2.0y)] the i3C scores and hazard ratios (HR) were derived from z-scores of systolic blood pressure, BMI, smoking history, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. Linear regression models were used to compare groups, adjusting for race/ethnicity.

Results: YT2D had higher HbA1c (YT2D:7.3±1.6 vs. OWOB:5.4±0.4 vs HL:5.2±0.4%). YT2D and OWOB had similar BMI (YT2D:37±8 vs. OWOB:35±8 vs. HL:21±3 kg/m2). The i3C score was highest in YT2D (Figure). Hazard Ratios were YT2D:1.8(1.2-2.7) vs. OWOB:1.3 (0.9-2.2) vs. HL:0.5 (0.4,0.7), P<0.01. hsCRP was higher in YT2D and OWOB vs. HL (Figure). hsCRP correlated with i3C scores, r=0.5, P<0.01.

Conclusion: YT2D had a 1.4-fold and 3.6-fold higher 35-year CVD risk compared to OWOB and HL peers, respectively. Future studies are needed to verify predicted risk in the YYA population.


F. Davis: None. S.B. Glaros: None. N. Malandrino: None. S.A. Dixon: None. A. Krenek: None. A. Chowdhury: None. L. Mabundo: None. J.A. Yanovski: Research Support; Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Soleno Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Versanis Bil, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Inc., National Institutes of Health. S.N. Magge: None. S.T. Chung: None.


Intramural Program of National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases

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