Introduction: The AYA developmental period is marked by higher A1c values and higher levels of DD. To better understand how to best measure DD in AYAs, we compared 3 diabetes-related emotional distress scales.

Methods: In a multi-site project, we collected sociodemographic, clinical, and DD measures in a cross-sectional sample of 14-25 year olds with T1D ≥1 year and eligibility A1c 7-13%. DD measures included the 2 most widely used, PAID-Peds and DDS, and our new measure, PAID-EA (Table). We assessed internal consistency, reliability, and construct validity. Pearson correlations, t-tests, and ANOVAs determined the strength and direction of relationships.

Results: In 191 participants, mean (±SD) age was 19.8±3.4, T1D duration 11.4±5.4, and A1c 8.0±1.2%; 98% used CGM, 86% used an insulin pump. In this sample, Cronbach alpha was acceptable for all measures, showing internal consistency. Evidence of construct validity was observed as measures were all correlated. Females reported more DD than males on all measures. DD did not differ by health insurance status. Young adults (19-25) reported more DD compared with teens (14-18) on all measures, but the PAID-EA and DDS were the only scales positively correlated with A1c in 19-25 age group.

Conclusion: PAID-Peds, PAID-EA, and DDS performed well in AYAs. The PAID-EA and DDS were more closely tied to A1c in young adults, and thus may be preferable.


K. Wentzell: None. S.A. Alamarie: None. C. Herndon: None. L.J. Tinsley: None. L.M. Laffel: Consultant; Dexcom, Inc. Advisory Panel; Medscape, Medtronic, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated. Consultant; Novo Nordisk. Advisory Panel; Lilly Diabetes, Provention Bio, Inc., Sanofi-Aventis U.S., Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., MannKind Corporation. K.K. Hood: Consultant; Cecelia Health, Sanofi.


NIH (R01DK129479); Mary K. Iacocca Foundation

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