Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is becoming more prevalent in the aging U.S. population due to treatment advancements resulting in people with T1D living longer and more people being diagnosed with T1D as adults. Unfortunately, resources to care for aging people with T1D are sparse. This dearth of information may further exacerbate age related health disparities. In this study, we characterized the impact of caring for aging people with diabetes from the caregiver’s perspective. This qualitative study included 12 participants who were family members or professional caregivers who support aging people with T1D. Using an interview guide, semi-structured interviews were conducted. Interviews were transcribed and a codebook was developed to guide thematic analysis. Two coders independently coded the transcripts and then met to compare codes and confirm consensus. Three themes emerged from the data: 1. Lack of training and education for the aging T1D population, 2. Caregiver frustration, worry, and burden, and 3. Lack of community amongst aging people with T1D and their caregiver. Participants wished they knew more about how to provide effective diabetes care. Each caregiver described feeling frustrated towards the unpredictable nature of T1D or described feeling worried about hypoglycemic episodes. While participants were not outright in stating they felt burdened, each caregiver made some form of physical or emotional sacrifice which made an impact on their life. They reported caregiving difficulties and successes as well as the impact caregiving has had on work life, mental health, and physical health. Participants also expressed an interest in creating a community of caregivers to discuss the challenges of caring for an aging person with T1D similar to those for parents of children with T1D. This data provides insight into the challenges caregivers face when caring for aging people with T1D. More support and resources are needed specifically for caregivers of aging people with diabetes.


K. Moore: Consultant; Biocomposites LLC. H.L. Stuckey-Peyrot: None. A.S. Hughes: None.

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