Introduction & Objectives: Persons with diabetes (PwD) and our VBS-PRO-DIA research team developed the national Danish Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) fully digital questionnaire (#DiaProfil). It is now fully implemented in all 4 hospitals in our region (uptake 600.000 inhabitants). DiaProfil identifies unmet psycho-social needs addressing appropriate individual action plans. This study is the first to psychometrically describe the magnitudes of need for selected psycho-social domains in our hospital population in the North Denmark Region.

Methods: All PwD attending the outpatient clinic at Aalborg University Hospitals, completing the DiaProfil questionnaire (9 domains with 91 parameters) were included. The prevalence of each variable was determined using frequencies and percentages, while distributions were examined to clarify variable spread. T-tests were used to examine differences between variables.

Results: 1525 PwD (870 men and 655 women) with an average age of 50.9 years were included. Response rate 72 %. The average WHO-5 score was 63.7 points (national Danish non-diabetes score 68.5 points). We detected impacted sleep quality (40% disturbed sleep), sexual health (18% difficulty with intercourse), blood sugar regulation (39% report inadequate control), diabetes management (30% lacked confidence in their own diabetes management) and diabetes stress or depression (14,6 % in need of professional assistance).

Conclusion: This study describes the prevalence of specific psycho-social need domains in adult PwD enabling individualized action planning. Specific domains in need were poor sleep quality, sexual health challenges, self-management confidence and undetected diabetes stress, all excerting a substantial impact on diabetes management, individual well-being and quality of life.


A. Nikontovic: None. L. Troelsen: None. L. Nørgaard: None. N. Ejskjaer: None.

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