Introduction: Hyperglycemia is an independent marker of hospital mortality, regardless of the previous diagnosis of diabetes. insulin is the clear choice for the hospitalized patient. Insulin should be administered using validated protocols that allow predefined adjustments in insulin doses based on glycemic fluctuations.

Objective: P = High rate of hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients; I = Use of a decision support tool; C = Patients routinely treated without using the tool; O = Better control of hyperglycemia rates and outcomes.

Methods: After a broad discussion on the relevant aspects of hyperglycemia, the construction of Carepathway began in the electronic medical record (Cerner Millennium) with 13 different scenarios that guide the physicians towards best practice. Each scenario triggers a warning with guidelines and the possibility of prescribing insulin doses according to the protocol.

Results: After the implementation of the Pathway, February 2022, we could notice a sustained drop in the rates of hyperglycemia and severe hyperglycemia and better adherence to institutional protocols.

Conclusion: The decision support tool is providing excellent care to patients with glycemic disorders, in addition to facilitating and standardizing the conduct of non-specialist doctors.


T.M. Cardim: None. A. Rizzo: None.

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