Introduction & Objective: Prevalence of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is estimated at 3-28.5%. We aim to assess LADA prevalence by measuring a complete panel of autoimmune antibodies (AAbs) in a community-based population of patients (pts) with type 2 diabetes (T2D), managed by endocrinology (Endo) vs primary care providers (PCP).

Methods: This single-center prospective study enrolled 202 adults with T2D without a history of LADA: 100 PCP and 102 Endo pts. AAbs were tested by ELISA: Glutamic Acid Decarboyxlase-65, anti-islet cell, Insulinoma Associated 2, Zinc Transporter 8, and anti-insulin.

Results: Overall, 14% (N=27) of pts tested positive (pos) for AAbs; 16% Endo vs 11% PCP pts (P=0.31). Other differences in Endo vs PCP pts are summarized in Table 1a. After excluding pts pos for only anti-insulin ab (N=12), insulin use was higher in pts AAb pos vs neg (53% vs 18%, P=0.004). There were no other significant differences in BMI, A1c, nor diabetes complications between pts AAb pos vs neg (Table 1b).

Conclusion: AAbs were detected in 14% of pts with T2D; no difference was observed between Endo vs. PCP pts. After excluding pts pos for only anti-insulin ab, just 8% tested pos for at least one AAb. Future studies are needed to evaluate the prevalence of AAbs at the onset of T2D, with longitudinal monitoring for AAb development, to better understand the pathogenesis and significance of identifying LADA among pts with T2D.


L.D. Lomeli: None. M.D. Lundholm: None. H. Xiao: None. K. Zhou: None. K.M. Pantalone: Speaker's Bureau; AstraZeneca. Consultant; AstraZeneca. Board Member; Bayer Inc. Research Support; Bayer Inc. Speaker's Bureau; Corcept Therapeutics. Consultant; Corcept Therapeutics, Diasome, Eli Lilly and Company, Merck & Co., Inc. Speaker's Bureau; Merck & Co., Inc. Research Support; Merck & Co., Inc. Consultant; Novo Nordisk. Research Support; Novo Nordisk. Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk. Research Support; Twin Health. Consultant; Sanofi.


This study was funded from philanthropic donations made possible by generous donors and an internal granting mechanism: Caregiver Catalyst GrantsInternal (Grant # CCG0178)

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