Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is defined by an elevated 2-hour plasma glucose (≥140 and <200 mg/dL) during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). IGT is a risk factor for diabetes development and is also classified as prediabetes according to ADA guidelines. Mexican-Americans have 1.9 times greater prevalence of diabetes compared to non-Hispanic Whites. The aim of this study was to identify blood markers associated with IGT in a predominantly Mexican-American population.

Methods: One hundred and fifty-two (77/75 male/female; 71.3% Mexican-Americans; age 26.89±10.05 years; BMI 27.39±5.90kg/m2) from border region of El Paso/Juarez participated in this cross-sectional study. Following an overnight fast, blood draw and OGTT was performed. Pearson correlation and unpaired T-test were used to analyze the data at a significance of 0.05α.

Results: White blood cell (WBC) (r=0.22, p=0.02), Neutrophil count (r=0.25, p=0.008), Platelets (r=0.27, p=0.003), Triglycerides (r=0.22, p=0.02), and Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) (r=0.21, p=0.02) significantly correlated with 2-hour glucose. Following indices were also significantly elevated in IGT group compared to NBG: WBC [(NBG (5.25±1.76) x10^3/uL, IGT (5.89±1.38) x10^3/uL, p=0.046], Neutrophil count [NBG (2.80±1.19) x10^3/uL, IGT (3.33±1.26) x10^3/uL, p=0.044], Platelets [NBG (243.90±45.11) x10^3/uL, IGT (269.10±57.83, p=0.017], Triglycerides [NBG (91.04±50.39 mg/dL), IGT (119.20±62.99 mg/dL), p=0.017], VLDL [NBG (17.51±8.94), IGT (22.78±11.76), p=0.014].

Conclusion: Elevated WBC, neutrophil count, platelets, triglycerides and VLDL are indicative of IGT and are distinguished between individuals with NBG and IGT. Monitoring these surrogate markers during lifestyle modifications and interventions may contribute to the prevention of prediabetes and diabetes.


J. Labadah: None. G. Narvaez: None. J.N. Apaflo: None. S. Bajpeyi: None.

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