Introduction: This work analyzes data from the free living exercise sessions of the T1DEXI study to evaluate the effect of several factors on the change in glucose levels (ΔCGM) of Type-1 diabetes (T1D) subjects during physical activity.

Methods: We calculate ΔCGM as the difference in glucose readings 10 minutes before and after each exercise session. We use the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method for measuring the statistical significance of the impact of various relevant factors on ΔCGM.

Results: We analyzed 11,743 free living exercise sessions, comprising 48 different activity types, for 502 T1D patients.

Overall, there was an average drop in glucose of 19.98 ± 48.48 mg/dL after the free-living exercise sessions. Figure 1 shows the variation of ΔCGM after exercise with different factors.

Figure 1 shows a greater ΔCGM for increasing session durations (p<0.01), for higher initial glucose at the start of the session (p<0.01), for age group (p=0.01) and HbA1c group (p=0.06). Figure 1 also shows that carb intake before the session leads to a smaller glucose drop (p < 0.01) but during the session indicates a significantly higher glucose drop (p<0.01). Male participants had a larger drop than female participants (p=0.06).

Conclusion: The results obtained suggest that session duration increases the drop in glucose, while the CHO intake attenuates it, and individual-level factors (HbA1c, gender, age) have a significant impact on the ΔCGM.


M.P. Dhaliwal: Consultant; Tidepool. K. Tang: Consultant; Tidepool. E.M. Aiello: Other Relationship; Tidepool. Y. Qin: None.


The Leona M. & Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust (2404-06905)

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