Introduction & Objective: As the immigrant community experiences rapid growth in the U.S., Asians encounter diverse health challenges, with a notable focus on addressing type 2 diabetes (T2D). Enhancing muscle mass has been identified as a means to alleviate insulin resistance and, consequently, enhance metabolic health. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a 12-week structured at-home physical activity program on the metabolic health of Asian adults, acknowledging its potential to reduce T2D risks by promoting overall metabolic well-being.

Methods: Participants, aged 18 to 80, were selected through convenient sampling from a local church with a predominantly Chinese ethnic congregation. Inclusion criteria focused on age, while individuals with a BMI over 70 or serious medical conditions hindering participation in the physical activity program (twice a week for 12 weeks) and a 30-minute weekly aerobic exercise were excluded.

Results: Out of 18 recruited individuals (mean age 50.4), 16 adhered to the exercise regimen throughout the 12 weeks, with four completing 85% or more of the program. Fourteen individuals returned for the final assessment. A majority (84.6%) demonstrated increased sit-down and stand-up rates in 30 seconds, while half exhibited improved hand grip strength, notably in the left hand. Other metabolic measurements did not show significant changes.

Conclusion: This study reveals that a cost-effective, convenient at-home structured physical activity program significantly enhances lower extremity strength and handgrip strength among Asian adults over 12 weeks, offering valuable insights for addressing health challenges, particularly T2D, in this demographic.


A. Kuerban: None.

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