Symptomatic testosterone deficiency is common affecting 40% of men with type 2 diabetes (T2D).1 Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been shown to have benefits on reducing insulin resistance, improving glycemic control and relieving symptoms of hypogonadism.2,3,4 We present early data analysis from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) Worldwide audit of Testosterone in men with T2D. The audit has already recruited 460 patients from 40 centres from 10 countries. Mean age 70.7<u>+</u>9.35 years, mean total testosterone 9.22<u>+</u>1.74nmol/l. TRT included parenteral lon-acting depot testosterone undeconoate and daily applied testosterone gels. All analysis by paired t-tests of parameters. HbA1c before and after TRT (1) 6 months 70.51 to 64.96 (n=163); (2) 12 months 70.82 to 61.06 (n=145) (3) 3 years 70.99 to 51.7 (n=125). Weight (kg) baseline 112.66kg at 3 years 107.15kg (p=0.61), Waist Circumference baseline 116.08cm to 115.12cm at 3 years (p=0.43). The Aging Male Symptom (AMS) Score is a marker of symptoms and quality of life. AMS score at baseline 40.83 after 12 months 21.93 (n=196) p<0.001. Early analysis has provided evidence that TRT for men with T2D is associated with a progressive reduction in HbA1c over 3 years. No significant reduction of weight or waist circumference was identified. Importantly patients had a very significant improvement in quality of life and symptoms of testosterone deficiency. No adverse cardiovascular events were reported in patients in the audit up to 3 years TRT. Evidence from this ongoing audit that men who have symptoms of testosterone deficiency should have a fasting testosterone checked and if they fulfil the guideline criteria that consideration to be offered a trial of TRT. 1Kapoor D et al. Diabetes Care 2007:30;911-17, 2Kapoor et al. Eur J Endocrinol 2006:154;899-906, 3Jones TH et al. Diabetes Care 2011:34;828-37, 4Dhindsa S. et al. Diabetes Care 2016:39;82-91


T.H. Jones: None. A. Haider: Research Support; Bayer Inc., Grünenthal. K. Haider: Research Support; Bayer Inc., Grünenthal. M.L. Cull: None. R.E. Ryder: Speaker's Bureau; Abbott, Besins Healtcare, BioQuest, GI Dynamics. Consultant; GI Dynamics. Other Relationship; Novo Nordisk.


Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD)

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