Background: Imeglimin exerts hypoglycemic actions by stimulating insulin secretion in a glucose concentration-dependent manner and by improving insulin resistance. We evaluated the effects of imeglimin on glycemic management, insulin secretion, body weight(BW) and composition in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes.

Subjects and Methods: Patients with inadequate glycemic control(HbA1c >7.0%), treated with diet/exercise or oral antidiabetic drugs(OADs) in our outpatient clinic, were eligible. Height, BW and composition were measured and body mass index(BMI) was calculated. Diabetic complications were assessed. HbA1c(A1c), fasting plasma glucose(FPG), and C-peptide(CPR) were measured. CPR-to-glucose ratio(CPR[ng/ml] / glucose[mg/dl] x100: CPR-index) was calculated. Imeglimin 2000mg was administrated without changing the treatment. The change in A1c(ΔA1c), BW, liver function and other items after administration(6 months) were examined with paired t-test, simple and multiple regression analysis. Patients were classified into 4 groups by BMI and CPR-index before imeglimin administration, ΔA1c was evaluated with ANOVA. Data was expressed as mean±SD.

Results: Background of 32 patients(17 male) were as follows: age 60.8±11.9yo, BMI 26.3±5.1kg/m2. OADs(number) were DPP-4i(27), SGLT2i(24), metformin(22), AGi(7) and glinides(4)(overlapped). A1c was significantly decreased(7.5±0.6→6.9±0.7%, p<0.05). FPG and ALT were also decreased, and CPR-index was increased significantly. BW, BMI and body fat mass(BFM) were decreased, but lean body mass was not changed significantly. Simple regression analysis showed that ΔA1c was significantly correlated with AST and ALT, but not with A1c, BMI, CPR-index and other measured items. Noteworthy A1c was significantly decreased in BMI<32 and CPR-index >0.8 group(ΔA1c -0.7±0.3%, p<0.05 vs other 3 groups).

Conclusions: Imeglimin increased insulin secretion, decreased BW and BFM, improved liver function and glycemic management.


Y. Matsuhashi: None. T. Abe: None. T. Fujita: None. S. Chikazawa: None. Y. Fujita: None.

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