Background and aims: The Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop systems (AHCL) improve glucose control in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). The aim was to evaluate the performance of the CamAps AHCL in indications only approved for this AHCL.

Methods: A prospective evaluation included subjects with T1D who initiated the CamAPS system for pregnancy or age <6 years.

Results: 14 T1D individuals were included: 8 women (6 planning pregnancy, 2 ongoing pregnancies, age: 44 ± 34 years), 6 children (1 female, age: 4 ± 1 years (2-5)). HbA1c: 7.45 ± 1.22%, treatment: 5 MDI + CGM/FGM, 5 pump + CGM, 4 AHCL. Time of AHCL use: 7 [3-8] months. The glucose target was initially set at 100-110 mg/dl in women and 150 in all children. At the end of follow-up, the glucose target was set at 85-110 mg/dl in women and 90-198 in children. Up to 3 different glucose targets were set during the 24h profile. Six women and 1 child were using FreeStyle Libre 3, and the rest Dexcom G6. No episodes of DKA or severe hypoglycaemia were observed. One child stopped using the system after 2 months for inability to adapt to the pump. One of the pregnancies was completed and a newborn was delivered at 37 weeks (AGA), with no neonatal hypoglycaemia.

Conclusion: The CamAps AHCL system allows for an improvement in glucose control and the possibility of personalization of glucose targets, use of different modes and CGM systems according to the user´s preferences.


P.I. Beato-Víbora: Advisory Panel; Abbott. Speaker's Bureau; Abbott, Ascensia Diabetes Care, Lilly Diabetes, Novo Nordisk, Medtronic. E. Gil-Poch: Advisory Panel; Medtronic, Novo Nordisk, Abbott. F. Arroyo-Diez: Advisory Panel; Abbott, Metronics. Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk.

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