Total fats, phospholipids, cholesterol, neutral fat and total water content have been determined in newborns of alloxan-diabetic rats and in control newborns. The newborns were divided into two groups: one with overweight newborns (> 5.30 gm.), the second with mainly average and abnormally small newborns (< 5.30 gm.). The overweight newborns of alloxan diabetic rats showed higher neutral fat content and lower cholesterol content than the controls. No significant differences in total fats, phospholipids and water content were demonstrated between the groups. The findings are discussed in the light of our present knowledge about hormonal disturbances in newborns of alloxandiabetic rats, whose lipogenesis might be influenced thereby. Previously it has been shown that newborns of alloxandiabetic rats are longer than control rats at equal body weight. An increase in the neutral fat content without increase of other lipids suggests increase of depot fat. From these findings it may be concluded that the overweight newborns of alloxan-diabetic rats are abnormally long as well as abnormally obese.
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Original Contributions|
November 01 1965
Lipids in Newborn of Alloxan-diabetic Rats
Lennart Angervall, M.D.;
Lennart Angervall, M.D.
Department of Pathology II, First Medical Service and the Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg, Sweden
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Per Björntorp, M.D.;
Per Björntorp, M.D.
Department of Pathology II, First Medical Service and the Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg, Sweden
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Alf Martinsson, M.D.
Alf Martinsson, M.D.
Department of Pathology II, First Medical Service and the Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg, Sweden
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Lennart Angervall, Per Björntorp, Alf Martinsson; Lipids in Newborn of Alloxan-diabetic Rats. Diabetes 1 November 1965; 14 (11): 724–728.
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