Infusion of glucose into fasting normal subjects at rates of 20 to 100 mg. per minute caused a transient fall in arterial plasma free fatty acids. The arterial glucose was raised only 3 to 10 mg. per 100 ml. by these infusions and plasma immunoreactive insulin did not change. During the recovery phase after an initial response to glucose FFA were refractory to a second challenge with glucose. Fructose was less potent than glucose in inducing a fall in FFA. Similar responses to glucose could be obtained in insulin-dependent diabetics after priming with long-acting insulin providing further evidence that the response of lipolysis to glucose does not require an acute change in insulin. Infusion of glucose intra-arterially failed to affect the local release of FFA. Beta-adrenergic blockade and ganglionic blockade abolished the response of FFA to these doses of glucose. These data suggest but do not establish the hypothesis that sympathetic tone to adipose tissue is under continuous regulation by the central nervous system and that the concentration of arterial blood glucose is the signal for this substrate controlling system.
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August 01 1967
Studies of Substrate Regulation in Fasting: I. Evidence for Central Regulation of Lipolysis by Plasma Glucose Mediated by the Sympathetic Nervous System
Charles J Goodner, MD;
Charles J Goodner, MD
Robert H. Williams Laboratory for Clinical Investigation, the Department of Medicine, the King County Hospital and the University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington
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Winston A Tustison, MD;
Winston A Tustison, MD
Robert H. Williams Laboratory for Clinical Investigation, the Department of Medicine, the King County Hospital and the University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington
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Mayer B Davidson, MD;
Mayer B Davidson, MD
Robert H. Williams Laboratory for Clinical Investigation, the Department of Medicine, the King County Hospital and the University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington
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Ping-Chi Chu, MD;
Ping-Chi Chu, MD
Robert H. Williams Laboratory for Clinical Investigation, the Department of Medicine, the King County Hospital and the University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington
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Martin J Conway, MD
Martin J Conway, MD
Robert H. Williams Laboratory for Clinical Investigation, the Department of Medicine, the King County Hospital and the University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington
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Presented in part before the twenty-first annual meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research, at Atlantic City, N.J., May 3, 1964 and published in part as a preliminary communication (1) and in abstract form (2).
Dr. Goodner is a recipient of a Lederle Medical Faculty Award. Address requests for reprints to Dr. C. J. Goodner, Department of Medicine, King County Hospital, Seattle, Washington 98104.
Dr. Conway is a U.S. Public Health Service Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
Charles J Goodner, Winston A Tustison, Mayer B Davidson, Ping-Chi Chu, Martin J Conway; Studies of Substrate Regulation in Fasting: I. Evidence for Central Regulation of Lipolysis by Plasma Glucose Mediated by the Sympathetic Nervous System. Diabetes 1 August 1967; 16 (8): 576–589.
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