Methods are described for the isolation in nearly pure form of bovine proinsulin, a single polypeptide chain precursor of insulin, and of intermediate forms of proinsulin having two polypeptide chains. The intermediate forms represent proinsulin molecules in which one or more cleavages have occurred at the site of attachment of the connecting peptide (C-peptide) to the A chain. A third fraction is apparently unrelated to proinsulin but appears instead to be an aggregate of insulin (possibly a covalent dimer) which behaves similarly to proinsulin during gel filtration. The purified fractions all react with antisera to insulin and all have been shown to have measurable biological activity. The purified intact proinsulin has very low biological activity, but can be converted to fully active deatanated insulin upon incubation with trypsin. The possible relevance of proinsulin to a fuller understanding of the β cell derangements in human diabetes is briefly discussed.
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Original Contributions|
December 01 1968
Isolation and Properties of Proinsulin, Intermediate Forms, and Other Minor Components from Crystalline Bovine Insulin
Donald F Steiner, M.D.;
Donald F Steiner, M.D.
Departments of Biochemistry, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Novo Company
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Ole Hallund;
Ole Hallund
Departments of Biochemistry, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Novo Company
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Arthur Rubenstein, M.B., M.R.C.P.;
Arthur Rubenstein, M.B., M.R.C.P.
Departments of Biochemistry, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Novo Company
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Sooja Cho, B.S.;
Sooja Cho, B.S.
Departments of Biochemistry, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Novo Company
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Claudia Bayliss, B.S.
Claudia Bayliss, B.S.
Departments of Biochemistry, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Novo Company
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Presented in part at the Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association in San Francisco, California, on June 16, 1968.
Donald F Steiner, Ole Hallund, Arthur Rubenstein, Sooja Cho, Claudia Bayliss; Isolation and Properties of Proinsulin, Intermediate Forms, and Other Minor Components from Crystalline Bovine Insulin. Diabetes 1 December 1968; 17 (12): 725–736.
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