This study reports experience in the management of eighty-six diabetic patients using a semiautomated system. Input to the system is effected through a teletype terminal and includes information pertaining to commonly used parameters in the regulation of the diabetic patient. Output from the program includes recommendations for short, intermediate and long acting insulins as often as four times per day, oral hypoglycemic agents and dietary regulation. During one phaseof the study management was carried out by a nurse-clinician using the computer as an automated consultation. The current version of the program shows a good correlation for insulin dosage between computer and physician. Because of the necessity of interpreting input information, the user must have some clinical background in the management of diabetes.
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June 01 1973
Experience with Automation as an Aid in the Management of Diabetes
Robert E Bolinger, M.D.;
Robert E Bolinger, M.D.
Department of Medicine and the Clinical Research Center, Kansas University Medical Center
Kansas City, Kansas
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Sandra Price, AB;
Sandra Price, AB
Department of Medicine and the Clinical Research Center, Kansas University Medical Center
Kansas City, Kansas
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Joseph L Kyner, M.D.
Joseph L Kyner, M.D.
Department of Medicine and the Clinical Research Center, Kansas University Medical Center
Kansas City, Kansas
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Address reprint requests to: Robert E. Bolinger, M.D., Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas 66103.
Robert E Bolinger, Sandra Price, Joseph L Kyner; Experience with Automation as an Aid in the Management of Diabetes. Diabetes 1 June 1973; 22 (6): 480–484.
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