This study was undertaken to determine the different consequences of portal and peripheral routes of insulin administration by the artificial endocrine pancreas. Intraportal glucose was infused (10 mg./min./kg. for 60 minutes) in anesthetized normal and pancreatectomized dogs while blood glucose concentrations were monitored continuously. During computer-controlled insulin administration normal glucose tolerance was restored by both portal and peripheral routes of insulin delivery. There were also no significant differences in (1) glycemic patterns, (2) insulin infusion patterns, (3) peripheral IRI levels, and (4) total insulin requirements between the two routes. It is apparent that the peripheral route, which is more readily accessible than the portal route, may be an appropriate infusion site for an implantable or portable prosthesis for controlling blood glucose concentration.
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August 01 1976
Comparison of Peripheral and Portal Routes of Insulin Infusion by a Computer-controlled Insulin Infusion System (Artificial Endocrine Pancreas)
C K Botz, PhD;
C K Botz, PhD
Hospital for Sick Children, Division of Biomedical Research, and the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
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B S Leibel, MSc, MD;
B S Leibel, MSc, MD
Hospital for Sick Children, Division of Biomedical Research, and the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
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W Zingg, MSc, MD;
W Zingg, MSc, MD
Hospital for Sick Children, Division of Biomedical Research, and the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
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R E Gander, MASc;
R E Gander, MASc
Hospital for Sick Children, Division of Biomedical Research, and the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
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A M Albisser, PhD
A M Albisser, PhD
Hospital for Sick Children, Division of Biomedical Research, and the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
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Address reprint requests to A. M. Albisser, Ph.D., Biomedical Research, the Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Ave., Toronto, Ont. M5G 1X8, Canada.
C K Botz, B S Leibel, W Zingg, R E Gander, A M Albisser; Comparison of Peripheral and Portal Routes of Insulin Infusion by a Computer-controlled Insulin Infusion System (Artificial Endocrine Pancreas). Diabetes 1 August 1976; 25 (8): 691–700.
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