Vitreous and aqueous humor fluorescein concentrations were measured one hour after graded intravenous fluorescein was given to 20 juvenile diabetics, ages 20 to 40, with and without ret-inopathy, and to 12 controls of similar age. Vitreous fluorescein concentrations were significantly higher in diabetics, indicating breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier. Mean vitreous fluorescein values were 10.66 ± 0.65 for the diabetics and 4.28 ± 0.37 ng./ml. for the controls. Breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier was also confirmed in diabetics under the age of 20 without retinopathy. The blood-aqueous barrier was similarly altered in diabetics. Vitreous fluorophotometry quantitatively measures breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier, possibly the earliest detectable ocular vascular abnormality in juvenile diabetic patients.

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