Circulating-alanine production and disposal rates were estimated in eight healthy postabsorptive subjects by means of U-14C alanine and U-14C glucose infusions. The mean circulating-alanine production rate was 368 ± S.E.M. 28 μmol/min. · 1.82. Approximately 50 per cent of circulating-alanine carbon exchanged rapidly with that of circulating lactate. Approximately 30 per cent of circulating alanine exchanged with protein stores. Other disposal was 29 ± 2 per cent to circulating glucose and 40 ± 4 per cent to oxidation. Conclusions: (1) The carbon moieties of circulating alanine and lactate are freely exchangeable. (2) Assessment of the contribution of alanine to gluconeogenesls will depend on establishing the extent to which the precursor pyruvate carbon is derived from glycolysis or from proteolysis. (3) If the principal pyruvate precursor is glycolysis, then the principal specific function of the glucose-alanine cycle appears to be ammonia transport.
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March 01 1978
Circulating Alanine Production and Disposal in Healthy Subjects
R H Chochinov, MD;
R H Chochinov, MD
Endocrine and Metabolism Laboratory, Health Sciences Centre, and the Departments of Physiology and Medicine, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. R3E 0Z3
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K Perlman, MD;
K Perlman, MD
Endocrine and Metabolism Laboratory, Health Sciences Centre, and the Departments of Physiology and Medicine, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. R3E 0Z3
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J A Moorhouse, MD
J A Moorhouse, MD
Endocrine and Metabolism Laboratory, Health Sciences Centre, and the Departments of Physiology and Medicine, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. R3E 0Z3
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Address reprint requests to Dr. R. H. Chochinov, Room G449, Health Sciences Centre, 700 William Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. R3E 0Z3.
R H Chochinov, K Perlman, J A Moorhouse; Circulating Alanine Production and Disposal in Healthy Subjects. Diabetes 1 March 1978; 27 (3): 287–295.
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