The extent of nonenzymatic glucosylation of serum protein in control and diabetic subjects was measured by a chemical procedure using thiobarbituric acid. A mean value of 0.81 (±0.21 SD) nmol glucose per milligram serum protein was observed in the control group. Diabetics displayed elevated levels of glucosylated serum proteins, up to 4 nmol glucose per milligram protein. Glucosylation of serum protein correlated strongly with fasting blood sugar (r = 0.71), percent hemoglobin A1 (r = 0.79), and percent glucosylated albumin (r = 0.99). There was no overlap between control and diabetic groups, i.e., within 3 SD of the mean of controls. These studies indicate that the assay for glucosylated serum protein appears to be an especially sensitive indicator of the degree of hyperglycemia in diabetes.
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November 01 1979
Nonenzymatic Glucosylation of Serum Proteins in Diabetes Mellitus
Kay F McFarland;
Kay F McFarland
Departments of Chemistry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pathollogy, University of South Carolina, and the Richland Memorial Hospital
Columbia, South Carolina
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Edward W Catalano;
Edward W Catalano
Departments of Chemistry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pathollogy, University of South Carolina, and the Richland Memorial Hospital
Columbia, South Carolina
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James F Day;
James F Day
Departments of Chemistry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pathollogy, University of South Carolina, and the Richland Memorial Hospital
Columbia, South Carolina
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Suzanne R Thorpe;
Suzanne R Thorpe
Departments of Chemistry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pathollogy, University of South Carolina, and the Richland Memorial Hospital
Columbia, South Carolina
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John W Baynes
John W Baynes
Departments of Chemistry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pathollogy, University of South Carolina, and the Richland Memorial Hospital
Columbia, South Carolina
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Address reprint requests to Dr. John W. Baynes, Department of Chemistry, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208.
Kay F McFarland, Edward W Catalano, James F Day, Suzanne R Thorpe, John W Baynes; Nonenzymatic Glucosylation of Serum Proteins in Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes 1 November 1979; 28 (11): 1011–1014.
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