Segmental pancreatic allografts with unligated ducts were transplanted intraperitoneally to five diabetic patients who had received renal allografts more than 2 yr earlier. One patient is alive with a functioning graft 10.5 mo later. Two patients rejected their grafts at approximately 2 and 3 mo but are alive 8–9 mo later after resumption of exogenous insulin therapy. In both patients, carbohydrate metabolism was nearly normal during the period of graft function. Two patients died of infectious complications between 1 and 2 mo after transplantation. The main hazard of pancreas transplantation relates to the immunosuppression necessary to prevent rejection, setting the stage for infectious complications. Technically, pancreas transplantation is a feasible and efficient procedure, and, if better methods are developed for preventing rejection, it should be applicable to patients prone to develop secondary complications of diabetes.
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February 01 1980
Clinical Segmental Pancreas Transplantation Without Duct Anastomosis in Diabetic Renal Allograft Recipients
David E R Sutherland;
David E R Sutherland
Departments of Surgery and Medicine, University of Minnesota Health Sciences Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
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Frederick C Goetz;
Frederick C Goetz
Departments of Surgery and Medicine, University of Minnesota Health Sciences Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
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John S Najarian
John S Najarian
Departments of Surgery and Medicine, University of Minnesota Health Sciences Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
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Address reprint requests to Dr. D. E. R. Sutherland, Box 253 Mayo Memorial Building, University of Minnesota, 420 Delaware Street, S; E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
David E R Sutherland, Frederick C Goetz, John S Najarian; Clinical Segmental Pancreas Transplantation Without Duct Anastomosis in Diabetic Renal Allograft Recipients. Diabetes 1 February 1980; 29 (Supplement_1): 10–18.
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