The hyperinsulinemia of obese rodents has been associated with a reduced number of hepatic insulin receptors except in hepatocytes from fatty Zucker rats. We isolated liver plasma membranes from 10–11-wk-old lean and fatty Zucker rats, some of which were injected with streptozotocin 2–4 wk earlier. We have determined that although the number of hepatic insulin receptors is not reduced in young hyperinsulinemic fatty Zucker rats, the number of receptors can be increased when the hyperinsulinemia of the fatty rats is reduced by treatment with streptozotocin. In the fatty rats, this reduction in circulating insulin is accompanied by a reduction in plasma triglyceride concentration, consistent with a decreased stimulation of hepatic lipogenesis.

Competitive binding curves for insulin were obtained with isolated liver plasma membranes and 125I-insulin. Analysis of these curves for affinity and number of receptors indicated that the number of insulin receptors was unchanged for the fatty control rats relative to the lean control rats but was increased in streptozotocin-treated animals.

These data indicate that the regulation of hepatic insulin receptors is altered in the young fatty Zucker rat as characterized by a lack of downregulation of hepatic insulin receptors by hyperinsulinemia and an upregulation of hepatic insulin receptors at insulin concentrations higher than those found in lean rats. An altered state of hepatic insulin receptor regulation may be characteristic of developing obesity.

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