Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SLI) from dog and rat plasma eluted from Biogel P-6 columns as three distinct peaks. A large-molecular-weight peak was present in the void volume of the column, an intermediate-sized peak (SLI28) coeluted with synthetic somatostatin 28 (S-28), and a small-molecular-weight peak (SLI14) coeluted with SRIF. Material from the SLI28 peak diluted in parallel to the S-28 standard in the radioimmunoassay and behaved identically to S-28 on high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Levels of SLI28 in the portal vein were consistently > the simultaneously measured peripheral levels (portal peripheral ratio 2.2 ± 0.2). Venous samples drawn from multiple sites suggested that SLI28 is segregated by the duodenum and/or pancreas and the intestine. This data is consistent with the possibility that S-28 is a hormone distinct from SRIF.
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May 01 1982
Evidence for the Presence of Somatostatin 28 in Plasma
S Shoelson;
S Shoelson
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
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K Polonsky;
K Polonsky
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
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H Docherty;
H Docherty
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
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J Jaspan;
J Jaspan
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
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A Rubenstein
A Rubenstein
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
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Address reprint requests to Kenneth S. Polonsky, M.D., University of Chicago, Box 435, 950 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637.
S Shoelson, K Polonsky, H Docherty, J Jaspan, A Rubenstein; Evidence for the Presence of Somatostatin 28 in Plasma. Diabetes 1 May 1982; 31 (5): 474–477.
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