The purpose of these studies was to determine whether insulin gene expression at the level of proin-sulin mRNA could be studied in human pancreas. RNA was isolated from autopsy specimens and analyzed by RNA-blot hybridization with various 32P-human insulin gene probes spanning either the entire gene or the second intervening sequence. A major band 0.62 kilo-bases (kb) in length accounted for over 95% of the mRNA, consistent in size with presumed mature proin-sulin mRNA. In addition, minor bands of 1.5 and 1.3 kb were seen, consistent with an initial gene transcript containing both intervening sequences and with a processed intermediate. The 1.5-and 1.3-kb RNA were confirmed to be proinsulin mRNA precursors by hybridization specifically with the IVS II probe. Total RNA and polyadenylated RNA from five normal pancreata and two insulinomas revealed the same pattern. This method provides a means of determining whether altered insulin gene expression is one cause of diabetes.
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August 01 1983
Analysis of Insulin Gene Expression in Human Pancreas
Stephen J Giddings;
Stephen J Giddings
Washington University Medical Service, Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri. VAMC, St. Louis
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Peter Rotwein;
Peter Rotwein
Department of Internal Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
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John M Chirgwin;
John M Chirgwin
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
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David Scharp;
David Scharp
Department of Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
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M Alan Permutt
M Alan Permutt
Department of Internal Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
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Address reprint requests to Stephen J. Giddings, MD., Ph.D., Washington University Medical Service, 111JC, VAMC, St. Louis, Missouri 63125.
Stephen J Giddings, Peter Rotwein, John M Chirgwin, David Scharp, M Alan Permutt; Analysis of Insulin Gene Expression in Human Pancreas. Diabetes 1 August 1983; 32 (8): 777–780.
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