The present study evaluates the development and function of human fetal B-cells in vitro with a view to using such cells in future attempts for transplantation of human fetal pancreas to diabetic patients. A method previously described in our laboratory for preparing islets in vitro from the fetal rat pancreas has been applied and modified for use with human fetal pancreas. Pancreatic glands of different gestational ages were obtained from 37 consecutive prostaglandin-induced abortions. After a mild collagenase treatment, the partially disintegrated tissue was maintained in culture for 7 days in tissue culture medium RPM1 1640 plus 20% fetal calf serum to permit cell attachment and outgrowth of endocrine cells. In 17 of the 37 consecutively cultured fetal pancreatic glands, islet-like cell clusters were formed. The 20 remaining glands were lost because of either bacterial contamination or lack of viability already before dissection had occurred. Sections of the newly formed cell clusters revealed well-preserved pancreatic cells showing frequent mitotic figures. The tissue exhibited a high rate of (pro)insulin biosynthesis and a modest insulin response to secretory stimuli, suggesting that the mechanism of glucose regulation by the fetal B-cells is not yet fully developed. Electron micrographs showed a large number of granule-containing cells, some of which were identified as B-cells. In nine cases, harvested cell clusters were implanted beneath the kidney capsule of nude mice. When these animals were killed after 2 mo, seven mice showed a considerable growth of the grafts with numerous islet-like structures containing insulin- and glucagon-positive cells. A high replicatory activity of the grafted cells was further supported by the finding of numerous labeled nuclei in autoradiographs of the graft-bearing kidneys. Since no immunocytochemical staining was carried out, the cell replicatory rate is representative for the whole grafted cell population rather than for the endocrine cells. It isconcluded that this improved culture technique provides a suitable system for the study of growthand differentiation of human fetal pancreas and may facilitate the preservation of pancreatic B-cells intended for transplantation.
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Original Contribution|
November 01 1985
Tissue Culture of Human Fetal Pancreas: Development and Function of B-Cells In Vitro and Transplantation of Explants to Nude Mice
Stellan Sandler;
Stellan Sandler
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
Search for other works by this author on:
Arne Andersson;
Arne Andersson
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
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Annika Schnell;
Annika Schnell
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
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Anders Mellgren;
Anders Mellgren
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
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Jan Tollemar;
Jan Tollemar
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
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Håkan Borg;
Håkan Borg
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
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Birger Petersson;
Birger Petersson
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
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Carl-Gustav Groth;
Carl-Gustav Groth
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
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Claes Hellerström
Claes Hellerström
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge Hospital
Huddinge, Sweden
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Address reprint requests to Dr. Stellan Sandier, Department of Medical Cell Biology, Biomedicum, P.O. Box 571, S-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden.
Diabetes 1985;34(11):1113–1119
Article history
March 20 1985
Revision Received:
May 14 1985
Stellan Sandler, Arne Andersson, Annika Schnell, Anders Mellgren, Jan Tollemar, Håkan Borg, Birger Petersson, Carl-Gustav Groth, Claes Hellerström; Tissue Culture of Human Fetal Pancreas: Development and Function of B-Cells In Vitro and Transplantation of Explants to Nude Mice. Diabetes 1 November 1985; 34 (11): 1113–1119.
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