Of 1839 pregnant women screened prospectively, 52 were identified to have glucose intolerance. Ten additional pregnant women identified as having glucose intolerance before the universal screening were also included in the study cohort. These 62 patients were followed in a perinatal high-risk clinic with weekly plasma glucose determinations. The patients were treated with diet and, in addition, 21 of 62 were treated with insulin therapeutically. By observational cohort design, the infants and a comparable number of matched controls were evaluated for evidence of neonatal morbidities and classified into percentile for birth weight. Compared with the control group, the operative mode of delivery, the mean birth weight, the birthweight percentile, the male/female ratio, the frequency of low Apgar score (≤ 6 at 1 min), and the number of infants with congenital anomalies were significantly higher in the infants born to the glucose-intolerant mothers. Although the mean maternal blood sugar was maintained within a reasonably euglycemic range, the usual neonatal morbidities were not eliminated entirely. Further understanding and management of glucose intolerance in pregnancy is necessary to further diminish or eliminate neonatal morbidities.

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