The islets of Langerhans in sections from the pancreas tail of Macaca nigra were stained by antiserum to insulin, glucagon, or somatostatin. The area of stained cells per total area of the islets was determined by a computerized photometric method. Insulin of the beta cells occupied 77% of the islet area in nondiabetic (ND) monkeys and decreased to 62% in monkeys in the earliest stages of metabolic deterioration, i.e., hormonally impaired (HI) monkeys. At the later stage of borderline diabetes (BD), monkeys had only 39% of the islet area occupied by insulin and the area was diminished to 1% in diabetic (D) monkeys. Islets in HI monkeys had an unusual pattern in which only the beta cells in the periphery of islets were stained. Glucagon in the alpha cells stained 7% of the islet area in ND monkeys, but the area was almost doubled to 13% in HI monkeys; the percentage decreased to about 5% in BD and 3% in D monkeys. Somatostatin accounted for 5% of the islet area in ND monkeys, was slightly greater at 7% in HI monkeys, and decreased to 3% in BD and 2% in D monkeys. Alterations in percentages of secretory cells correlated with several of the metabolic and clinical Changes.
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February 01 1986
Changes in Islet Cell Composition During Development of Diabetes in Macaca nigra
Charles F Howard, Jr;
Charles F Howard, Jr
Division of Metabolic and Immune Diseases, Oregon Regional Primate Research Center
505 N.W. 185th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97006
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Antonia Van Bueren
Antonia Van Bueren
Division of Metabolic and Immune Diseases, Oregon Regional Primate Research Center
505 N.W. 185th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97006
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Address reprint requests to C. F. Howard, Jr., Ph.D., at the above address.
Diabetes 1986;35(2):165–171
Article history
April 17 1985
Revision Received:
July 31 1985
Charles F Howard, Antonia Van Bueren; Changes in Islet Cell Composition During Development of Diabetes in Macaca nigra. Diabetes 1 February 1986; 35 (2): 165–171.
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