The human proximal tubule (HPT) is the characteristic site within the kidney that mediates absorption of glucose. This study was designed to determine whether cultured HPT cells would respond to a hyperglycemic environment through activation of the polyol pathway. The results of this study clearly indicate that exposure of the HPT cells to an extracellular glucose concentration ≥11 mM results in substantial intracellular accumulation of sorbitol. This accumulation is inhibited by ∼70% by treatment with 100 μM sorbinil. When cells growing 24 h on 27.5 mM glucose were changed to medium containing 5.5 mM glucose, sorbitol concentration returned to the control level within 12 h. The activity of aldose reductase was increased by a factor of 1.6 by exposure to elevated glucose concentrations, and the relative reactivity of the enzyme with glucose as substrate was ∼0.1 compared with that of glyceraldehyde as substrate. Together, these results indicate that cultured cells derived from the HPT undergo activation of the polyol pathway when exposed to a hyperglycemic environment.

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