We examined the effect of the hypoglycemic drug linogliride on hormone release from the in vitro perfused rat pancreas. Linogliride stimulated insulin release in the absence of glucose either in the presence or absence of a physiological mixture of amino acids. In addition, linogliride inhibited amino acid-induced glucagon release. Half-maximal effects of linogliride on insulin and glucagon release were achieved at concentrations as low as 26 and 3 μM, respectively. The effects of linogliride on hormone release largely resembled those of tolbutamide. In the absence of amino acids, the stimulation of insulin release by linogliride or tolbutamide was transient. When the pancreas had been preperfused for 20 min with tolbutamide, linogliride no longer had an effect on hormone release. Likewise, tolbutamide remained without effect in pancreases preperfused with linogliride. These data suggest that linogliride and tolbutamide may have a similar mechanism of action.
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July 01 1991
Effect of Linogliride on Hormone release From Perfused Rat Pancreas: Fuel Dependence and Desensitization by Tolbutamide
Peter Ronner;
Peter Ronner
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and the Diabetes Research Center, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
; and the Department of Biological Research, Janssen Research Foundation
Spring House, Pennsylvania
Search for other works by this author on:
Erlinda Cheong;
Erlinda Cheong
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and the Diabetes Research Center, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
; and the Department of Biological Research, Janssen Research Foundation
Spring House, Pennsylvania
Search for other works by this author on:
Parwaiz Khalid;
Parwaiz Khalid
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and the Diabetes Research Center, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
; and the Department of Biological Research, Janssen Research Foundation
Spring House, Pennsylvania
Search for other works by this author on:
Robert W Tuman;
Robert W Tuman
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and the Diabetes Research Center, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
; and the Department of Biological Research, Janssen Research Foundation
Spring House, Pennsylvania
Search for other works by this author on:
Franz M Matschinsky
Franz M Matschinsky
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and the Diabetes Research Center, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
; and the Department of Biological Research, Janssen Research Foundation
Spring House, Pennsylvania
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Peter Ronner, PhD, 509 Medical Education Building/6015, Diabetes Research Center, 36th and Hamilton Walk, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6015.
Diabetes 1991;40(7):878–884
Article history
September 28 1990
Revision Received:
February 19 1991
February 19 1991
Peter Ronner, Erlinda Cheong, Parwaiz Khalid, Robert W Tuman, Franz M Matschinsky; Effect of Linogliride on Hormone release From Perfused Rat Pancreas: Fuel Dependence and Desensitization by Tolbutamide. Diabetes 1 July 1991; 40 (7): 878–884. https://doi.org/10.2337/diab.40.7.878
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