The Strong Heart Study is a study of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors among diabetic and nondiabetic Native Americans. The study includes 12 tribes in Arizona, Oklahoma, and North and South Dakota. Phase I, initiated in October 1988, included a mortality survey to determine CVD death rates in individuals 35–74 yr old between 1984 and 1988, and a medical record review to determine rates of myocardial infarction and stroke for individuals ages 45–74 during the same time. In addition, a physical examination was performed on persons 45–74 yr old to measure the prevalence of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases and known and suspected risk factors, in Phase II, CVD mortality and morbidity rates will be determined in the examined cohort by surveillance. CVD risk factors, changes in risk factors over time, and the relationship between risk factors and CVD incidence will be assessed longitudinally. This study provides data on the relative importance of cardiovascular risk factors in nondiabetic and diabetic Native Americans and will provide insight into possible variations in the quantitative or qualitative importance of CVD risk factors among diverse population groups.
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October 01 1992
Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Native Americans: The Strong Heart Study
Barbara V Howard;
Barbara V Howard
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Thomas K Welty;
Thomas K Welty
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Richard R Fabsitz;
Richard R Fabsitz
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Linda D Cowan;
Linda D Cowan
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Arvo J Oopik;
Arvo J Oopik
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Ngoc-Anh Le;
Ngoc-Anh Le
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Jeunliang Yeh;
Jeunliang Yeh
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Peter J Savage;
Peter J Savage
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Elisa T Lee
Elisa T Lee
Medlantic Research Institute
Washington, D.C
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Barbara V. Howard, PhD, Medlantic Research Institute, George Hyman Memorial Research Building, 108 Irving Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010
Diabetes 1992;41(Supplement_2):4–11
Article history
April 03 1992
May 12 1992
Barbara V Howard, Thomas K Welty, Richard R Fabsitz, Linda D Cowan, Arvo J Oopik, Ngoc-Anh Le, Jeunliang Yeh, Peter J Savage, Elisa T Lee; Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Native Americans: The Strong Heart Study. Diabetes 1 October 1992; 41 (Supplement_2): 4–11.
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