This study was undertaken to test two assumptions critical for use of [2-14C]acetate to measure gluconeogenesis in vivo. For the assumption that incorporation into glucose of products of [14C]acetate metabolism does not affect the distribution of label within the glucose molecule, we infused [2-14C]acetate in 17 healthy subjects and [3-14C]lactate in 10 healthy subjects and compared the ratio of the resultant specific activities of plasma glucose carbons 1, 2, 5, 6, and 3, 4 obtained with each tracer. The ratio obtained with [2-14C]acetate (2.99 ± 0.07) was significantly different from the ratio obtained with [3-14C]lactate, (3.82 ± 0.2, P < 0.01). Because the model predicts that these ratios should be identical, these results indicate that either the model is incorrect or that metabolism of [14C]acetate to other compounds affects the distribution of the label within the glucose molecule. To test the assumption that plasma 3-OH-butyrate specific activity approximates the specific activity of hepatic intramitochondrial acetyl CoA, we compared the ratio of specific activities of plasma glucose and 3-OH-butyrate obtained in 7 healthy subjects infused with [2-14C]acetate and [2-14C]octanoate. The ratio obtained with [2-14C]acetate (0.18 ± 0.03) was significantly different from that obtained with [2-14C]octanoate, (0.10 ± 0.02), P < 0.001. These results suggest compartmentalization of acetyl CoA within liver mitochondria and indicate that plasma 3-OH-butyrate specific activity may not necessarily approximate intramitochondrial acetyl CoA specific activity during [2-14C]acetate infusion. We conclude that assumptions critical for use of [2-14C]acetate to measure gluconeogenesis in vivo are not valid.
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May 01 1993
Limitations in the Use of [2-14C]Acetate for Measuring Gluconeogenesis In Vivo
Agostino Consoli;
Agostino Consoli
Diabetes Division, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas
Whittier Institute
San Diego, California
Clinical Research Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Clinical Physiology, Medical Pathology and Endocrine Pathophysiology, University of Chieti
Chieti, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Nurjahan Nurjhan;
Nurjahan Nurjhan
Diabetes Division, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas
Whittier Institute
San Diego, California
Clinical Research Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Clinical Physiology, Medical Pathology and Endocrine Pathophysiology, University of Chieti
Chieti, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Fabio Capani;
Fabio Capani
Diabetes Division, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas
Whittier Institute
San Diego, California
Clinical Research Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Clinical Physiology, Medical Pathology and Endocrine Pathophysiology, University of Chieti
Chieti, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Thomas Pangburn;
Thomas Pangburn
Diabetes Division, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas
Whittier Institute
San Diego, California
Clinical Research Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Clinical Physiology, Medical Pathology and Endocrine Pathophysiology, University of Chieti
Chieti, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Domenico Lapenna;
Domenico Lapenna
Diabetes Division, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas
Whittier Institute
San Diego, California
Clinical Research Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Clinical Physiology, Medical Pathology and Endocrine Pathophysiology, University of Chieti
Chieti, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
John Gerich
John Gerich
Diabetes Division, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas
Whittier Institute
San Diego, California
Clinical Research Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Clinical Physiology, Medical Pathology and Endocrine Pathophysiology, University of Chieti
Chieti, Italy
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Agostino Consoli, Department of Medicine, Division of Diabetes, The University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX 78284-7886.
Diabetes 1993;42(5):732–737
Article history
July 14 1992
Revision Received:
December 23 1992
December 23 1992
Agostino Consoli, Nurjahan Nurjhan, Fabio Capani, Thomas Pangburn, Domenico Lapenna, John Gerich; Limitations in the Use of [2-14C]Acetate for Measuring Gluconeogenesis In Vivo. Diabetes 1 May 1993; 42 (5): 732–737.
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