The effects of short-term hyperinsulinemia on the production of both VLDL triglyceride and VLDL apoB were determined semiquantitatively before and during a 6-h euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp (40 mU · m−2 · min−1) in 17 women (8 chronically hyperinsulinemic obese, BMI = 35.7 kg/m2; 9 normal weight, BMI = 22.5 kg/m2). During acute hyperinsulinemia, plasma FFA decreased by ∼ 95% within 1 h in both groups. VLDL triglyceride production decreased 66% in the control subjects (P = 0.0003) and 67% in obese subjects (P = 0.0003). ApoB production decreased 53% in control subjects (P = 0.03) but only 8% in obese (NS). Plasma triglycerides decreased by 40% from baseline in control subjects (P < 0.0001) but only by 10% in obese subjects (P = NS). Despite the similar decrease in triglyceride and apoB production in control subjects, VLDL particle size (triglyceride-to-apoB ratio) decreased with hyperinsulinemia (P = 0.003). In obese subjects, despite a decrease in triglyceride production similar to that in control subjects but no change in apoB production, VLDL size did not change appreciably. Acute hyperinsulinemia in humans: 1) suppresses plasma FFA equally in control and obese subjects at this high dose of insulin; 2) inhibits VLDL triglyceride production equally in control and obese subjects, perhaps secondary to the decrease in FFA; 3) inhibits VLDL apoB production in control but less so in obese subjects, suggesting that obese subjects may be resistant to this effect of insulin; 4) decreases plasma triglyceride and VLDL particle size in control subjects, reflecting either stimulation of LPL activity or a greater relative decrease in triglyceride to apoB production; and 5) does not decrease plasma triglyceride or VLDL size in obese subjects to the same extent as it does in control subjects. Thus, the insulin resistance of obesity affects some but not all aspects of VLDL metabolism.

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