The regulation of hexokinase II (HKII) was examined in fat and skeletal muscle of an animal model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, the KKAY mouse. These tissues require insulin for facilitated transport of glucose and express the insulin-responsive transporter GLUT4. The combined data from two experiments (n = 12 for each experimental condition) demonstrated mean concentrations of plasma insulin in pmol/l and glucose in mmol/l of 122 and 7.2 (control nondiabetic C57 mouse) vs. 1,118 and 29.6 (diabetic mouse), respectively. The tissues of diabetic mice compared with control mice demonstrated a reduction of HKII mRNA abundance of 68% in epididymal fat (P = 0.0001) and 34% in the quadriceps muscles (P < 0.001), with concordant reduction in the abundance of GLUT4 mRNA of 60% in epididymal fat (P < 0.001). In comparison with the results in untreated diabetic mice, diabetic animals treated with the insulin-sensitizing drug pioglitazone demonstrated an increase in the abundance of HKII mRNA with a concordant increase of GLUT4 mRNA in epididymal fat (P = 0.03 and < 0.01, respectively), and an increase of HKII mRNA in the quadriceps muscles (P < 0.05). Separate experiments demonstrated a reduction of HKII protein abundance by 61% in epididymal fat (P < 0.001, n = 12 for each experimental condition) and by 71% in the quadriceps muscles (P < 0.001, n = 6 for each experimental condition). In comparison with untreated diabetic mice, there was an increase in the abundance of HKII protein in epididymal fat of animals treated with pioglitazone (P < 0.05). Additional experiments showed a reduction of HKII protein activity in untreated diabetic mice of 24% in the quadriceps muscles (P < 0.05, n = 6 for each experimental condition). Because HKII deficits can be reversed, it appears that abnormal expression of HKII may occur secondary to insulin resistance; nevertheless such changes may exacerbate hyperglycemia.
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January 01 1995
Reduced Expression of Hexokinase II in Insulin-Resistant Diabetes
Susan S Braithwaite;
Susan S Braithwaite
Medical and Research Services of the Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital
Hines, Dlinois
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Barbara Palazuk;
Barbara Palazuk
Endocrinology, Pharmacology, and Metabolism Research Unit, of The Upjohn Company Kalamazoo
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Jerry R Colca;
Jerry R Colca
Endocrinology, Pharmacology, and Metabolism Research Unit, of The Upjohn Company Kalamazoo
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Charles W Edwards, III;
Charles W Edwards, III
Medical and Research Services of the Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital
Hines, Dlinois
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Cecilia Hofmann
Cecilia Hofmann
Medical and Research Services of the Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital
Hines, Dlinois
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Cecilia Hofmann, Research Service (151), Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Box 5000, Hines, IL 60141-5000.
Diabetes 1995;44(1):43–48
Article history
February 07 1994
Revision Received:
September 22 1994
September 22 1994
Susan S Braithwaite, Barbara Palazuk, Jerry R Colca, Charles W Edwards, Cecilia Hofmann; Reduced Expression of Hexokinase II in Insulin-Resistant Diabetes. Diabetes 1 January 1995; 44 (1): 43–48.
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