Offspring of mothers with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) have a much lower risk of IDDM than do offspring of diabetic fathers, and this risk is particularly low for offspring born to diabetic mothers over the age of 25 years. To determine whether increasing maternal age also protects the offspring of IDDM fathers from IDDM, we surveyed 367 IDDM fathers (IDDM onset before age 35) who first came to the Joslin Clinic (Boston, MA) between 1945 and 1969. Of the 840 offspring of these men, IDDM developed in 28 before the age of 20, giving a cumulative risk of 5.1 ± 1.0% (means ± SE). Because this is similar to the result of our earlier study of IDDM fathers, the two groups were combined to give 1,084 offspring, 39 having IDDM (cumulative risk of IDDM 5.4 ± 0.9% by age 20), for comparison with our cohort of 1,391 offspring of 739 IDDM mothers. In that cohort, IDDM developed in 20 offspring before the age of 20 years, giving a cumulative risk of 2.1 ± 0.5%. The risk of diabetes in offspring was higher if the parent's IDDM was diagnosed before age 11 than if it was diagnosed later: 9.3 compared with 4.0% (P = 0.006) for the offspring of IDDM fathers and 2.7 compared with 1.8% for the offspring of IDDM mothers (P = 0.06). In the families in which the father's IDDM was diagnosed after age 11, a protective effect of maternal age ≥25, similar to that in families of IDDM mothers, seems to be present. However, in families in which the father's IDDM was diagnosed before age 11, the effect of maternal age seems to be in the opposite direction: the incidence rate doubled for the offspring born to nondiabetic mothers aged ≥25 years. In contrast, no effect of paternal age was found, regardless of which parent had IDDM. Our findings, although challenging to explain, have immediate implications for counseling families in which one parent has EDDM.

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