Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is a complex metabolic disorder with a significant genetic component. Obesity is a frequent complicating factor for NIDDM. In the mouse, a number of single gene defects that result in obesity have been described. Mutations in one of these genes, the ob gene, results in both obesity and NIDDM. Recently, the cloning of the murine ob gene and its human homologue has been reported {Nature 372:425–432, 1994). In the present study, the contribution of genetic variation at the human ob locus to NIDDM susceptibility was assessed by analyzing allele sharing in NIDDM-affected sib pairs (ASPs) for markers located near the human ob gene. Four yeast artificial chromosome clones containing the human ob gene were isolated. These clones colocalized the ob gene and two microsatellite markers, D7S5H and D7S635, to a region of 280 kb on the long arm of human chromosome 7. The microsatellite markers were typed in 346 Mexican-American NIDDM-ASPs derived from 176 families and an additional 110 ethnically and geographically matched controls. No evidence of linkage or association between either microsatellite marker and NIDDM was observed in this population. These results suggest genetic variation in the human ob gene does not play a major role in susceptibility to NIDDM in Mexican-Americans. Diabetes 44:999-1001, 1995
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August 01 1995
Identification of Microsatellite Markers Near the Human ob Gene and Linkage Studies in NIDDM-Affected Sib Pairs
Brigid Stirling;
Brigid Stirling
Virginia Mason Research Center, and the Department of Immunology, University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington
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Nancy J Cox;
Nancy J Cox
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
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Graeme I Bell;
Graeme I Bell
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
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Craig L Hanis;
Craig L Hanis
School of Public Health, University of Texas
Houston, Texas
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Richard S Spielman;
Richard S Spielman
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Patrick Concannon
Patrick Concannon
Virginia Mason Research Center, and the Department of Immunology, University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. P. Concannon, Virginia Mason Research Center, 1000 Seneca St., Seattle, WA, 98101.
ASP, affected sib pair; BMI, body mass index; IBS, identity-by-state; NIDDM, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; NIGMS, National Institute of General Medical Sciences; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; YAC, yeast artificial chromo Some.
Diabetes 1995;44(8):999–1001
Article history
April 21 1995
Revision Received:
May 18 1995
May 18 1995
Brigid Stirling, Nancy J Cox, Graeme I Bell, Craig L Hanis, Richard S Spielman, Patrick Concannon; Identification of Microsatellite Markers Near the Human ob Gene and Linkage Studies in NIDDM-Affected Sib Pairs. Diabetes 1 August 1995; 44 (8): 999–1001.
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