The electric activity of whole islets of Langerhans was monitored for the first time in this study. Measurements were made from single islets isolated from mice, hamsters, gerbils, and rats by means of external electrodes. Well-structured synchronized potential spikes up to 0.5 mV in amplitude with a stable frequency of 0.5–2 Hz were measured. Spike generation had a glucose concentration threshold. In the physiological range of each animal species, firing rate was an approximate linear function of glucose concentration. At low glucose concentrations, firing became intermittent, i.e., in bursts, while in the physiological range and above, firing was typically continuous. Simultaneous measurements from two locations on an islet indicate that the measured activity reflects the propagation of an excitation wave throughout the islet. This, together with signal synchronization, suggests that the islets contain a functional pacemaker (FPM) from which excitation propagates by means of gap junctions to the rest of the islet cells (mostly β-cells). Thus, the electric characteristics of the individual β-cells are functionally masked so that the islet acts as a single functional unit. In view of the dependency of insulin secretion on the islet's electric activity, the islet glucose-insulin dose-response characteristics must be determined by those of the FPM.
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May 01 1996
Islets of Langerhans Generate Wavelike Electric Activity Modulated by Glucose Concentration
Yoram Palti;
Yoram Palti
Carmel Biosensors, the B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and B. Katz Minerva Center for Cell Biophysics
Technion, Haifa, Israel
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Galia Ben David;
Galia Ben David
Carmel Biosensors, the B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and B. Katz Minerva Center for Cell Biophysics
Technion, Haifa, Israel
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Ela Lachov;
Ela Lachov
Carmel Biosensors, the B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and B. Katz Minerva Center for Cell Biophysics
Technion, Haifa, Israel
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Yuval H Mika;
Yuval H Mika
Carmel Biosensors, the B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and B. Katz Minerva Center for Cell Biophysics
Technion, Haifa, Israel
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Gila Omri;
Gila Omri
Carmel Biosensors, the B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and B. Katz Minerva Center for Cell Biophysics
Technion, Haifa, Israel
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Rachel Schatzberger
Rachel Schatzberger
Carmel Biosensors, the B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and B. Katz Minerva Center for Cell Biophysics
Technion, Haifa, Israel
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Yoram Palti, Carmel Biosensors, Ltd., Matam, Haifa 31905, Israel.
Diabetes 1996;45(5):595–601
Article history
July 31 1995
Revision Received:
November 30 1995
November 30 1995
Yoram Palti, Galia Ben David, Ela Lachov, Yuval H Mika, Gila Omri, Rachel Schatzberger; Islets of Langerhans Generate Wavelike Electric Activity Modulated by Glucose Concentration. Diabetes 1 May 1996; 45 (5): 595–601.
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