Recent immunohistological studies using antibodies against advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have demonstrated the presence of AGEs in several tissues. By an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using the monoclonal anti-AGE antibody, the present study aimed to determine AGEs in pepsin-insoluble collagen (PIC) as well as in pepsin-soluble collagen (PSC) from the aortas of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats (at 4, 16, and 28 weeks after STZ injection) and those of agematched control rats. Addition of EDTA to the immunoassay buffer has led us to successful determination of AGEs in the aortic PIC samples with following results: 1) in diabetic rats, there was a time-related increase in the AGE contents at 28 weeks (n = 9, 226.4 ± 13.5 ng/mg collagen [mean ± SE]), compared with that at 4 and 16 weeks (n = 6, 79.6 ± 9.5 ng/mg collagen, and n = 8, 149.4 ± 30.9 ng/mg collagen at 4 and 16 weeks, respectively; both P < 0.05, between 4 and 16 weeks and 28 weeks); 2) after 28 weeks of diabetes, the AGE contents in PIC of aortas were significantly higher in diabetic rats than in controls (n = 9, 226.4 ± 13.5 ng/mg collagen vs. n = 8, 129.6 ± 14.9 ng/mg collagen, P < 0.01, diabetic vs. control); and 3) the level of the AGE content was strongly correlated with the PIC/total collagen (TC) ratio (n = 45, r = 0.698, P = 0.0001). By treating the samples of PSC with alkaline solution, the AGE content of PSC was also determined. In the PSC fraction, the AGE levels in the diabetic rats tended to increase with time and to be higher than those of control rats at 28 weeks although these changes were not statistically significant (diabetic: n = 4, 19.4 ± 9.7; n = 6, 22.3 ± 6.2; n = 6, 39.6 ± 10.8; control: n = 4,19.7 ± 9.8; n = 6, 22.9 ± 7.3; n = 7, 30.7 ± 7.2; at 4, 16, and 28 weeks, respectively). Compared with the AGE levels of PSC, those of PIC were about four to seven times and four to five times higher in diabetic and control rats, respectively (PIC versus PSC in diabetic or control rats, all P < 0.001, at 4, 16, and 28 weeks, respectively). These findings provide the first immuno chemical evidence that AGE adducts are present in the materials extracted sequentially by pepsin and collagenase and that these adducts in PIC accumulated as a function of the increase in the aortic PIC/TC ratio.
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August 01 1996
Advanced Glycation End Products of the Maillard Reaction in Aortic Pepsin-Insoluble and Pepsin-Soluble Collagen From Diabetic Rats
Jing Meng;
Jing Meng
Department of Pathology and the First Department of Medicine, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
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Noriyuki Sakata;
Noriyuki Sakata
Department of Pathology and the First Department of Medicine, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
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Shigeo Takebayashi;
Shigeo Takebayashi
Department of Pathology and the First Department of Medicine, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
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Takashi Asano;
Takashi Asano
Department of Medicine, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
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Tetsuhiro Futata;
Tetsuhiro Futata
Department of Medicine, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
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Norie Araki;
Norie Araki
Second Department of Biochemistry, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
Kumamoto, Japan
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Seikoh Horiuchi
Seikoh Horiuchi
Second Department of Biochemistry, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
Kumamoto, Japan
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Shigeo Takebayashi, The Second Department of Pathology, Fukuoka University School of Medicine, 45-1, 7-chome Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka 814-01, Japan
Diabetes 1996;45(8):1037–1043
Article history
June 16 1995
Revision Received:
March 14 1996
March 14 1996
Jing Meng, Noriyuki Sakata, Shigeo Takebayashi, Takashi Asano, Tetsuhiro Futata, Norie Araki, Seikoh Horiuchi; Advanced Glycation End Products of the Maillard Reaction in Aortic Pepsin-Insoluble and Pepsin-Soluble Collagen From Diabetic Rats. Diabetes 1 August 1996; 45 (8): 1037–1043.
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