Recent genome searches suggest a putative linkage of many loci to susceptibility to type I diabetes. The chromosome 2q31–35 region is reported to be linked to susceptibility to type I diabetes and is thought to contain several diabetes susceptibility loci. These candidate genes include the HOXD gene cluster, BETA2, CTLA4, CD28, IGFBP2, and IGFBP5. Association studies in populations and families are required to confirm and/or identify the actual susceptibility loci. We hereby report several previously unknown DNA polymorphisms for HOXD8, BETA2, and IGFBP5, which we have used along with previously known polymorphisms of H0XD8 and CTLA4 to test whether these candidate loci are the susceptibility genes on chromosome 2q31–35. Using a casecontrol design with a subsequent family-association approach to confirm associations, we find no evidence that these candidate genes are associated with susceptibility to type I diabetes.

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