This study was performed to measure pancreatic islet capillary pressure under basal conditions and after an acute glucose stimulation of insulin release in normal rats. In addition, the islet capillary pressure was estimated in GK rats, an animal model of NIDDM. Hydrostatic pressure in single pancreatic islet capillaries was determined in vivo by direct measurement using the micropuncture technique. The pancreatic islets were visualized by injection of neutral red. This intravital staining had no effect on islet function, whole pancreatic and islet blood flow, and capillary blood pressure in the exocrine pancreas. Islet capillary blood pressure in normoglycemic Wistar F rats was estimated at 3.1 ± 0.3 mmHg (n = 15). Administration of D-glucose (1g/kg) doubled this value, whereas no effect was seen after injection of an equimolar dose of the non-metabolizable glucose-derivative 3-O-methyl glucose. In GK rats, basal islet capillary blood pressure was increased (5.7 ± 0.4 mmHg; n = 10; P < 0.001) when compared with the control Wistar F rats. Reduction of blood glucose levels in GK rats with phlorizin treatment showed this increased basal islet capillary pressure in GK rats to be glucose dependent and reversible. In the present study, we have for the first time shown that both acute and chronic hyperglycemia augment islet capillary pressure. The effects of a chronically increased islet capillary pressure on long-term islet function remain to be determined.
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June 01 1997
Islet Capillary Blood Pressure Increase Mediated by Hyperglycemia in NIDDM GK Rats
Per-Ola Carlsson;
Per-Ola Carlsson
From the Department of Medical Cell Biology
Stockholm, Sweden
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Leif Jansson;
Leif Jansson
From the Department of Medical Cell Biology
Stockholm, Sweden
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Claes-Gören Östenson;
Claes-Gören Östenson
Uppsala University, Uppsala; and the Department of Endocrinology, Karolinska Institute and Hospital
Stockholm, Sweden
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Örjan Källskog
Örjan Källskog
Department of Physiology and Medical Physics
Stockholm, Sweden
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Per-Ola Carlsson, Department of Medical Cell Biology, Biomedical Centre, PO Box 571, S-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden. [email protected].
ANOVA, analysis of variance; PLSD, protected least-square difference.
Diabetes 1997;46(6):947–952
Article history
August 26 1996
Revision Received:
January 29 1997
January 29 1997
Per-Ola Carlsson, Leif Jansson, Claes-Gören Östenson, Örjan Källskog; Islet Capillary Blood Pressure Increase Mediated by Hyperglycemia in NIDDM GK Rats. Diabetes 1 June 1997; 46 (6): 947–952.
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