Fibrinogen, an acute-phase protein, and glucagon, a stress hormone, are often elevated in many conditions of physical and metabolic stress, including uncontrolled diabetes. However, the possible mechanisms for this association are poorly known. We have studied the acute effects of selective hyperglucagonemia (raised from ∼200 to ∼350 pg/ml for 3 h) on fibrinogen fractional secretion rate (FSR) in eight normal subjects during infusion of somatostatin and replacement doses of insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone. Fibrinogen FSR was evaluated by precursor-product relationships using either Phe (n = 8) or Leu (n = 2) tracers. Hyperglucagonemia did not change either plasma Phe or Tyr specific activity. After hyperglucagonemia, fibrinogen FSR increased by ∼65% (from 12.9 ± 3.6 to 21.5 ± 6.1% per day, P < 0.025) using plasma Phe specific activity as the precursor pool. FSR increased by ∼80% (from 16.6 ± 4.8 to 29.4 ± 8.8% per day, P < 0.025) if plasma Phe specific activity was corrected for the ketoisocaproate/Leu enrichment (or specific activity) ratio to obtain an approximate estimate of intrahepatic Phe specific activity. FSR increased by ∼60% when using plasma Tyr specific activity as precursor pool (n = 8) (P < 0.05), as well as when using the Leu tracer precursorproduct relationship (n = 2). In conclusion, selective hyperglucagonemia for ∼3 h acutely stimulated fibrinogen FSR using a Phe tracer method. Thus, glucagon may be involved in the increase of fibrinogen concentration and FSR observed under stressed or pathologic conditions.
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August 01 1997
Evidence for Acute Stimulation of Fibrinogen Production by Glucagon in Humans
P Tessari;
P Tessari
Department of Metabolic Diseases, University of Padua
Padua, Italy
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E Iori;
E Iori
Department of Metabolic Diseases, University of Padua
Padua, Italy
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M Vettore;
M Vettore
Department of Metabolic Diseases, University of Padua
Padua, Italy
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M Zanetti;
M Zanetti
Department of Metabolic Diseases, University of Padua
Padua, Italy
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E Kiwanuka;
E Kiwanuka
Department of Metabolic Diseases, University of Padua
Padua, Italy
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G Davanzo;
G Davanzo
Department of Metabolic Diseases, University of Padua
Padua, Italy
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R Barazzoni
R Barazzoni
Department of Metabolic Diseases, University of Padua
Padua, Italy
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Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Paolo Tessari, Cattedra di Malattie del Metabolismo, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Policlinico Universitario, Via Giustiniani 2, 35128 Padua, Italy.
FSR, fractional secretion rate; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; KIC, α-ketoisocaproate; MPE, mole percent enrichment.
Diabetes 1997;46(8):1368–1371
Article history
December 10 1996
Revision Received:
May 12 1997
May 12 1997
P Tessari, E Iori, M Vettore, M Zanetti, E Kiwanuka, G Davanzo, R Barazzoni; Evidence for Acute Stimulation of Fibrinogen Production by Glucagon in Humans. Diabetes 1 August 1997; 46 (8): 1368–1371.
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